Waiting for the final test drive. When viewing this blog, if you run out of pictures, just click on the lower right of the page on "older posts" and the blog will continue. Also, if you want to see any picture in better detail and larger, just click on it. Then, use the back arrow on the top left of the tool bar to go back to the blog. Hope you enjoy it.

Robert Henderson, the owner, personally took us out to run "Minnie" through the paces to see how it handles after the completion. The job consisted of adding Super Springs on the rear, an Anti-Sway Bar, (Stabilizer) and a Trac Bar. The front got new camber kits, a Super Steer shock, and a complete alignment. It was finished up with Koni performance shocks all the way around.

The comfortable waiting room at Hendersons. They have a TV, VCR, popcorn, coffee and other drinks. And........a good high speed WiFi signal.

One of their brochures.

Robert, Gilbert the Service manager, and Ken, one of the tecks.

4500 miles from Yuma, it was the looong way home! The Minnie handles like a sports car now :-) The house looked good, except for the back yard :-) The pickup, van, and bike all started like they had been parked last night instead of 6 months ago. The Battery Tenders worked perfect.

The Wing is ready and waiting for a trip.

New tires and a fresh service just before we left, so it good to go.

Fresh silk flowers for our breakfast table at Herb's in Grants Pass. I like to eat here, brings back many memories from the 50's when this place was Larry's Drive-In, with a covered parking area, car hops, and everything the way it was back in the "good ol' days". Although, I don't ever remember seeing silk flowers back in 1956...................

The new suspension parts, front and rear, have been installed, and while doing a complete 6 wheel alignment, they discovered the camber parts were worn enough in the front to require replacement. So, we're waiting for that now. The shop encourages the vehicle owners to get under the rig to see what they are doing and to make a decision if you want the components replaced or not. Unusual, but it's why we come here.

The digital reading alignment measuring is done at all 4 outside wheels, with a line running front to rear.

Preparing to install the new camber kits.

Pauline Wells. This is Pat's mother. She'll be 100 years old in November, and is still very healthy. She has no health issues except for a small case of old age :-)

Pat, Pauline, and Richard, Pat's brother. Early morning send off of us. Pauline has only agreed to use a cane for about 3 weeks now. She calls it "my friend".

Lots of red blossoms in Northern California. The sun was too bright for this picture to turn out good, but the woods are full of flowers.

Castle Craigs, on the fly.

Can't see Mount Shasta today, it's starting to cloud up.

Lots of fresh snow in the Siskiyous, but the pavement was mostly dry. Lots of wind gusts though.

There was a big storm last night, but it's melting now, and I-5 is in good condition.

Swooping down from 4350 feet, we're in Oregon now, heading down into the Rogue River Valley.

Preparing to attach a Super Spring.

Minnie won't have a saggy rear any more, and the DR650 won't get so sea sick back there.

Grounds at the Taprock Grill on the Rogue River

Beautiful landscaping, and the river brings back lots of childhood memories for me.

Brass inlaid Salmon in the entrance,

Solid cast brass plates cover the already heavy entry doors.

One of MANY brass statues on the grounds.

A carved raccoon in the bar

A Pine limb over the bar.

Bryon, a camera man and commentator that we met today. He was making videos for Henderson's line up.

Robert Henderson, owner of the Performance Shop, with Pat and I.

The Mighty Rogue looks more like the Muddy Rogue after a three day rain storm up river. I spent many hours swimming right in this area when I was from about 10 years old until probably into my mid teens when I discovered other interests.

John Henderson and his 1600cc Vulcan. He may be the newest member of VROC soon! John's mother-in-law was my marching partner for High School graduation back in 1959.

Trac Bar, Stabilizer, Koni Shocks, and Super Springs should make the rear end better. The work on the front will be done tomorrow.

Friends of many years, Al & Barbara Johnson, in their home in Edmund, Oklahoma.

Al and another good friend, John Estlinbaum. Checking out Al's "stable"

A couple years ago, Al & Barb rode this bike on a 4 month trip to celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary. They had a lot of fun and came back with some interesting and entertaining stories!

John checking out some of Al's wood working projects.

John and Bev, Barb, Pat, and Al. We had a wonder dinner. Barbara is an excellent cook and hostess! They are using Nutrisystem, but we didn't have any of that for this meal!

The Round Red barn is a landmark on old Route 66. We've been by here many times. Used to be one of our regular rides when we lived in Oklahoma.

These 12 to 16 inch pipes and 2 inch cables form a structure that covers "Pops". A new landmark on Old 66.

The back lawn with tables for outside dining at Pop's.

Pat was amazed at something in the gift shop. If she see's this, I'll be in trouble for posting it.

Thousands of bottles! Brands and flavors we never heard of.

All the glass walls are lined with Pop. This is becoming a very popular spot with the motorcycle riders in the nice warm evenings, and on the weekends.

The Deli serves "50's" style food.

Another "wall" of soda pop.

This bottle is full of lights that change color at night. It can be seen for a long ways. Pop's is right on old US Route 66, in Arcadia, Oklahoma

The front is a large gasoline island. Here's our friends John and Bev, showing Pat our first view of the bottles. It was chilly and wet when we were there.

View from Al and Barb's Shadow Lake Lodge. Squirrels and even Armadillo's live there in the back yard.

The Johnson's home on Shadow Lake.

These very pretty trees are on I-40, next to the Flying J in Amarillo, Texas

We're back to New Mexico. We had 2 full days of rain in Oklahoma, and part of Texas.

Over 7200 feet here at another crossing of the Continental Divide.

7 Miles East of Flagstaff, AZ. Another Sunday afternoon Flat tire on Minnie. Unloaded the bike to get to the spare. I had never taken the cover off it, glad it was full of air!

The tire never blew, but the center tread flew off. Three years old, excellent tread, and properly aired up. A dealer and also the emergency road service guy said it was a defective tire.

I went for a short ride while waiting for the Road Service guy. Julie liked getting "in the wind".

Help got here. I didn't have a jack big enough to lift the Minnie.

The bed of Carl Anderson's new old pickup. We stopped for the night in Kingman, in the drive was of Ed and Carl Anderson.

It took about 3 years for a TOTAL reconstruction on this beautiful '52 Chev. It was the same kind of truck that Carl learned to drive, so he bought one and had it restored.

A 235 cu. in. Six with dual carbs. It had a cam too, and runs sweeeeeet!

I took this from under the truck. Stainless steel exhaust system, and not a speck of dirt or oil under the engine or anywhere on the truck.